Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events & Workshops held throughout the lower mainland, classes are open to all levels. Options and modifications are always available.

People from all walks of life are welcome and encouraged in supportive and safe practices that lead to a total experience of well-being.  Students are thoughtfully assessed and then included with assistance, according to their ability. An Adaptive Yoga class or session may include adapted postures or poses, breath-work and breathing techniques, restorative or releasing techniques, mindfulness or meditation techniques. The practice is adjusted to facilitate the best experience possible for the student using props, bolsters, straps, blankets and blocks to completely support the body

If you are interested or want to know more about a specific workshop or don’t see it on the Yoga Class Scheduleplease contact me directly.

Interested in exploring your practice and yourself on a different level, then perhaps Yoga Teacher Training is the right choice for you. Dive even deeper through the upcoming Yoga Teacher Training programs.