Upside Down Dog
Turning yourself “upside down dog” is a good thing. Too often, we live our lives from the neck up, and by thinking too much we lose the moment and our connection to our bodies.Many of our physical problems actually arise simply because we live too much in our heads.
When you turn your world upside down, symbolically & metaphorically, you change that. This yoga asana is excellent medicine for anxiety, obsessiveness and an ego that’s stuck or unyielding.
Inversions (a type of asana in which the feet are lifted higher than the heart) have many other health benefits. The inversion of the circulatory system and the flushing out of venous blood brings an increase in blood flow to the brain and a general feeling of well being. The endrocrine glands, the digestive system and the lymphatic system are also cleansed and re-vitalized.