A.R.T. Practitioner Training Program
The ART of Living Well with Yoga 45-hour Accessible/Restorative/Therapeutic Yoga Practitioner Program, from Trinity Yoga and Mary-Jo Fetterly, We have created a training program which offers & establishes practical daily living yoga tools and techniques for the disabled & special needs, aging, PTSD, & physically challenged population. This Accessible yoga training is for Health-care Professionals, Yoga teachers, Physio’s, OT’s, Recreation therapist’s, Exercise therapists and clients care-givers, family and friends.
There are 3 Distinct Modules:
1. Accessible Yoga Training – 15 hours
2. Restorative Yoga – 15 hours
3. Therapeutic Training – 15 hours
By establishing adaptive, restorative, and therapeutic techniques for individual needs, The ART of Living Well with Yoga, provides a template for Yoga Teachers, Healthcare Professionals families, individuals and caregivers with which to access the tools and techniques for the benefit of every-body, especially those who experience impaired mobility, or a disabling condition.
As a therapeutic intervention, The Art of Living Well with Yoga program aims to create a model for healthcare providers, healthcare professionals, those affected by trauma through injury, birth or disease with a preventative and living model of how to cope, to deal with immobility & pain and how to be proactive and preventative therein.
The tools and practices of yoga help us to connect to and manage our physical experience and develop a relationship with the nonphysical aspects of our reality and the Life-Force. Once we have a affirmative experience and assurance that we are connected and supported by the intelligent Life-Force, we are capable of enduring and managing most any type of circumstance that life will throw at us.
- Accessible Yoga Training
Topics covered: What is ‘Accessible Yoga? Who can benefit from Accessible Yoga? What is yoga & why does it work? The yoga basics, The Assessment, Adjustment & Adaptation process. The ‘Body as a Resource’. Somatic and Physiology of stress, pain, dis-ease. Alignment Principals for Every-body. Anatomy & Physiology. Adaptive Yoga – An Introduction. Who can do Adaptive/Restorative yoga? Tools for facilitating an Adaptive Session-equipment, props, bolsters
Breifly: To introduce the basic tools, theories and techniques of yoga. To explain, experience and summarize various health conditions. To familiarize students with the process of: Assessment, Adjustment, & Adaptation. To develop a working knowledge of the tools, props, technique and principals of alignment. To train the basic postures, adjustments and breathing techniques to Healthcare provider’s, family, caregivers.
Goals of the Program: We aim to accomplish three things minimally: 1. Train lay people and health care providers, yoga teachers and caregivers to utilize the basic tools of yoga to improve the health and well-being of those they care for. 2. To empower individuals to find their own ways to heal, using the body as a resource. To help people feel safe, hope-full and free.
This will be a hands-on experience. No matter what walk of life or purpose you bring to this course you will discover a whole new world of different ability – yours, and the people which whom you may serve. Through a dynamic and hands-on learning environment we will experience and grow to understand Adaptive Yoga and the differently able populations it can serve. Students will be given the opportunity to practice and work with each other, and experience firsthand what it might be like to do yoga in a wheelchair, in bed, without a limb or without a particular physical or cognitive ability.
Accessiblee Yoga then can be best described as a system of modified postures and techniques that utilize the essence of yoga to afford clients, patients and practitioners the ability to moderate pain to achieve health and wholeness despite the circumstances. The assessment, adjustment and adaptation of one’s postural alignment in order to facilitate healing, circulation, connection and rehabilitation. Adaptive yoga can be applied anywhere and at any time, and anybody can do adaptive yoga.
It is our hope that through a simple yoga program we can improve quality-of-life.