How Adaptive and Accessible are You?

Hello friends. Recently I was preparing the training manual for a course on Adaptive Yoga and I got to thinking about the two terms: Adaptive & Accessible. They are becoming more prevalent lately, as our collective culture strives more and more to embrace human and biological diversity. It is a great shift. Darwin was probably the first public figure to highlight the Adaptive nature of biology, ours included. The word ‘adapt’ is defined as; “To adjust oneself to different conditions, environment, etc.: to adapt easily to all circumstances.” That sounds like smart and important qualities to have. How often have you felt stuck in a situation where, due to your unwillingness to change your perspective or Adapt, you (and possibly another) end up suffering?

The crucible of our ability to Adapt actually lies within our capacity to be Accessible. Accessibility is not just about physical features that allow a person to enter a building etc. No – rather accessibility at the fundamental level suggests an ability to be open, approachable, capable of including all. In its essence the concept further suggests a quality of effortlessness or ease. To cultivate an attitude of accessability or openness means I may adapt more easily to all circumstances. Now that sounds like an end to most causes of stress and the enviable suffering it can cause.

Why don’t you join us in Calgary at the upcoming Adaptive Yoga Training and learn how to make Yoga accessible for every-body. This is a two day course, March 10 & 11th at Mount Royal University. Space is now limited, Register now at

I am also super excited to announce I will be presenting at the Toronto Accessible Yoga Conference this June 22-24th. The conference is a fabulous opportunity to meet and learn from amazing individuals who are pioneering how yoga as a healing art and science can benefit all. The other really cool thing happening that weekend will be a Guinness World Book event of The World’s largest ever Accessible Yoga Class which I will co-teach with Jivana Heyman and other AY ambassadors. This will coincide with The International Day of Yoga – WOW! Don’t miss out – If you register right now, up until February 28 you will receive 10% off Tickets on sale now! total by using “mary-jo” in the promo code. See you there!

