
According to Light on Yoga you do use the strength of your buttocks muscles in order to lift your legs. This is also recommended in a few other books as well. However with this said yoga has changed and been adapted for our Western culture that does not have the same lifestyle habits as those … Read more

ACL Injury

Anterior Cruciate Ligament injuries to the knee are usually caused by a traumatic event/force upon the knee at an angle. They are considered a very serious injury as the ligaments are integral to the proper structural foundation for the knee. They can be surgically addressed with generally good results. I know that yoga offers a … Read more

Pranyama for digestion?

The simplest and easiest to employ around eating is a slow, mindful, equal breath pattern called Sama Vritti as it balances the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system preparing the systems for digestion. It has many profound effects physiologically and will enhance your experience, health and enjoyment.