Welcome Rosie

Rosie came into the world just after 10 pm on Saturday February 18th. She chose to greet us two days before her due date on one of the coldest nights of the year. So much happened the night Rosie was born it is difficult to formulate my swirling thoughts into words. All of the common statements apply – “now that she is born I can’t imagine life without her” and “it was the most challenging and rewarding thing I have ever experienced”. But when I think about Rosie and what we all went through together on that Saturday night and what we will continue to share for years to come, tears well up in my eyes and all I can think of is love.

Birth is truly a transformational miracle. I am still in awe at what was inside of me such a short time ago. How perfect and beautiful and natural it all is. I feel blessed to have her in my life.

Now the journey of parenting begins. The long discussions of poo and pee, the wonders of breast milk under pressure, the bottomless laundry basket and the new sporadic sleeping schedule. So many things I had once known have now been replaced.

I am no longer the driver on the bus, I am somewhere in the middle sitting, watching, slowly learning this new language. Because of Rosie I am experiencing for the first time in my life what it is like to surrender, to surrender my control and agenda. It is comforting to know that there is a path already carved out, that even in the dark of night when I feel lost, I can trust it will guide and direct me to morning.

Welcome to this world Rosie Bea Riley. May you experience love and kindness throughout your life.