ACL Injury

Anterior Cruciate Ligament injuries to the knee are usually caused by a traumatic event/force upon the knee at an angle. They are considered a very serious injury as the ligaments are integral to the proper structural foundation for the knee. They can be surgically addressed with generally good results. I know that yoga offers a … Read more

Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is often associated with an excessive lordotic curve or what is sometimes called a sway back. In order to begin bringing awareness to this and provide some relief you need to bring some length and fullness. To do this tilt your pelvis back, so that you tail bone moves down towards to … Read more

Yoga post surgical removal of the colon?

That is a very interesting question as the practicality of doing public classes with ease and comfort while having to duck out to the washroom presents and understandable challenge. Managing a home practise is different though. I would recommend, to begin with or as a balance in a home practise, the Rest and Renew Restorative … Read more