Breathing in Pranayama

Pranayama is the fourth limb of Ashtanga Yoga and is translated as control of one’s life force or simply breath control. With this said it may be guessed that Pranayama is a complex and important aspect of yoga. Many teachers of classical yoga suggest that Pranayama should only be practiced with an accomplished guide, however … Read more

Yoga on Kits Beach

I walked down to Kits beach this morning for my meditation and asana practice. I carried my mat, blanket and silence down to a grassy spot between the trees. Behind me the Yoga Boot Camp sargeant was whooping willing buttocks into shape.What a beautiful contrast… He was wearing camo and black boots. His students kicked … Read more

Welcome Rosie

Rosie came into the world just after 10 pm on Saturday February 18th. She chose to greet us two days before her due date on one of the coldest nights of the year. So much happened the night Rosie was born it is difficult to formulate my swirling thoughts into words. All of the common … Read more